
Keep it Unreal. (new tofurky collection!!!)

This week didn't exactly have the greatest start, understandably. It's the first week back from winter break, it's freezing and it's snowy. Today, however, it got much better! There was a two hour delay this morning, so I didn't have to go to school until ten. Then, when I got home, the greatest thing ever was waiting for me.

On my front step was a package from my favorite food company ever, which you probably guessed from the title. Yep, you got it: TOFURKY!

They knew I was a huge fan, and sent me some really, really cool stuff! It made my day. Wait, no, my week actually. It was extremely exciting.

Here is the contents of that package in photo form:

I think their motto is hilarious. 
Apparently it'd made from organic material. Green is the color I would've picked for the shirt, so that was another plus. 
 This is just everything laid out. There was a pamphlet about tofurky too.  

I loved Tofurky before, but now I love them even more. (Woah that rhymed! I should be a poet!!) I eat their products pretty much on a daily basis, and have been for so long, and I love them. So, not only does their food taste amazing, but they are great in the customer service department as well. 

For anyone who isn't a Tofurky connoisseur or has never even tried it, I would really recommend it! They're a great company, and also their t-shirts are super comfy ✌ʕʘ‿ʘʔ✌


  1. Oh, I haven't had this in such a long time! I don't even know if they make it here:/ I am glad they are awesome though!

    1. I wish you could have it!! Yes, they are a fantastic company:) what good food companies do you have in NZ?

  2. I am so impressed. With Tofurky for sending you such cool stuff and with YOU, and all you do! You are an amazing person Miss Ophiblu! <3

  3. Way to go Ophiblu!!!
