
Friends and French Food and Feeling Good!

The past few weeks have not been the greatest for me. Artists block, winter, and dreading school don't make life very fun. I didn't really feel like I had any friends that were really like me, or that I connected with. Mentally, I was not in the best state. But that didn't last for very long! I sort of realized, with the help of my parents of course, that in order to be happy, you can't just wait around for things to get better. You have to do something about it. So I did some rearranging in my life. (and in my room too! But I'll post that some other time). I've started hanging out with some different people. I also know that being productive makes me happy too, so I made a shirt, and did some paintings without thinking, just putting paint on the paper and seeing where I got from there, (both of which I'll post soon!). But today was the best! My friend Kira-who has been a friend over instagram for a while- and I hung out for the first time today! It was so lovely, and made me kind of buzzed and inspired inside. 

So, if you're in a place (mentally or physically) that does not make you happy, do something! Listen to some happy tunes (I'll be making a playlist soon!), go to lunch with someone new, make something, cook something, paint, read, dance in your bedroom, climb a tree, do yoga, sit in the sun, pet a dog, take a bath, hug someone, just do something to make yourself happy! 
 xoxo - India

1 comment:

  1. Such wonderful advice. Thank you.
    Loving your art and your adventures.
    Angel blessings.
