
live simply

I wish that it was easier and more common for people to shop locally. I wish that everyone could have a garden in their yard, and be able to be somewhat self sustainable. I wish that all eggs came from chickens who live happily, and not in cages. I think that in the future, in order for the Earth to easily house the abundance of humans living on it, we will have to go back to a simpler way of life. Materialism has to decrease. People will need to walk more, rather than drive. Everyone should provide more for themselves. I only wish it could start now. 
That is why this year I am starting to get into the Slow Fashion movement, and have gotten back into making my own clothes. I also am planning on helping my brother in the garden this spring! Both of which I will try to keep you updated on. 
Also, I was thinking of maybe making this into a t-shirt design in the future. Would anyone be interested? 

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