

I speak for the deer, for the deer are being trapped and killed and cannot speak for themselves.

Hello all.
First I'd just like to say I need your help.
The most inhumane, hateful, wrong, cruel, uncompassionate and horrible thing is happening right now where I live.
According to the idiots in the Municipality of where I live, there is a deer problem here. There really isn't a deer problem, considering they are harmless animals that don't do anything to hurt anyone. People are just overly dramatic and act as if their lives are ruined because they can't grow their stupid rose bushes in their yard, because the deer are eating them. It's not a life or death situation.

But it has become one.

The municipality has decided to corral (or painfully trap) 150 innocent deer, and shoot them in the head.

Take that in for a minute.
I cannot think of a more horrible way to kill such a beautiful creature, and the fact that it is happening is tearing me apart. The fact that it is even possible is tearing me apart.
Not only is it cruel, but it's just plain STUPID!! Anyone with a brain could realize that by killing off the deer, the deer's food would be more plentiful, and the healthy deer left would be able to reproduce even more, and create more deer.

Here is a more detailed description about what will happen to those deer very soon:
The deer will be lured into cages by poisonous food and trapped, They will experience the kind of fear and anxiety that could probably kill them without the guns, but then they will be shot in the head anyway. This will all be done by "professionals." Professionals of what? Antagonism? Genocide?
I'm disgusted by the people who think this plan is a good idea. I wish that horrible human beings like them didn't exist.
Anyway, back to the point.
It costs 500 dollars per deer. That means that my family's, and everyone else's who lives here, tax money is going to this! It's absurd!!

These poor deer didn't do anything wrong. In fact, they lived here before humans did.
Something needs to be done. I wish there was more I could do. To start, please, please, please sign this petition and send it to EVERYONE you know. The deer could use every ounce of help they can get, and there isn't much time.


Thank you!!!


Learning Lessons

Sometimes it's hard to tell what you have until it's gone.
And when you realize it, it feels almost like a slap in the face, or at least hurts like that would. Maybe more.

Even simple things, such as being able to climb trees in your yard and not have to wonder if they are on your neighbors property, because your houses are so close. Or being able to get groceries in under fifteen minutes, instead of an hour and a half. These things trigger that same feeling, because the no longer exist in my life.
The number one thing causing me to have this horrible feeling, however, is probably the community I gave up when I moved away from the town I lived. Something about growing up in community makes an impact that lasts forever. Having people that you know you could show up at there house in the middle of the night and they'd take care of you, even though they aren't family, is so special, especially at at my age. When you go to the grocery store, and everyone working recognizes you, it feels really good. Again, that's something I took for granted, until the moment I moved here, and was forced to shop in a place so big and uninviting.

Lately my family and I have been spending our extra time during the week watching The Wonder Years, our favorite show, which follows Kevin Arnold throughout middle and high school. It's so good, comforting even, but has made me miss my small town even more. Kevin's family lives in a community, and he and his friends have grown up and experienced so much together. I miss that feeling of connection with people who, even though they aren't much like me, would be there for me no matter what. The show was set in the sixties, and I think that back then community was more common. It seems to me like now, community is hard to find. There are less places where you can sit somewhere by a road, and be able to count the number of familiar faces you see. Now, where I live, I go into store and don't see anyone from school that I know. There are hardly any family owned businesses that trace back through generations, and even the library has an atmosphere of rigid unwelcoming-ness.

Thirteen is a tough age alone, and surviving it without the love and support of my childhood friends and people I would call family even though we have none of the same blood, is a difficult feat. I've even begun to miss things I never before would have thought were even possible to miss. Things like the bus ride home from school, the post office, boring middle school dances, and lots more. Even characteristic of people that once annoyed me, I have started to miss. On top of all of those feelings of longing for that sense of community, I have to deal with adolescent-moodiness and angst, and the sun deprivation. I guess this isn't the most uplifting post. But these are feelings I need to acknowledge. I've had them bottled up for quite some time.

This is not to say that I don't like the friends I've made here, the good experiences I've had here, or the cool places I've been to here. I do, but this is not a place I could ever be able to call my home.
But moving has helped me in a way, I guess. I have learned so much. I have realized how lucky I am to be part of the family I am in, and that lots of people don't get to grow up in the type of community I did, and that I should not have taken it so for granted.

This picture is not mine, but it is the same as one we used to have on our old refrigerator. I used to read it, before we moved, and not think about it very much. Now, I do. In my opinion, this is an important way of life that should not be forgotten.